During the current pandemic situation, I am happy to share the updates of Nepal’s current status and reports of our Native missionaries. The global COVID-19 corona virus pandemic was confirmed to have spread to Nepal when its first case was confirmed in Kathmandu on 24 January 2020. Between January and March, Nepal took steps to prevent a widespread outbreak of the disease while preparing for it by procuring essential supplies, equipment, and medicine, upgrading health infrastructure, training medical personnel, and spreading public awareness.
A country-wide lockdown came into effect on 24 March and is scheduled for an indefinite period. All international flights are suspended, and all academic examinations are canceled, and schools and colleges are closed. Quarantine centers and temporary hospitals are being set up across the country. Laboratory facilities are being upgraded and expanded. Hospitals have been setting up ICU units and isolation beds. The economy is expected to be severely affected by the pandemic due to its impact on foreign employment, tourism, manufacturing, construction, and trade.
However, during such a crisis, our ministerial works are not halted for we know that there’s still lots to do for His kingdom. Since no one can come out of their house and travel, our field ministers are helpless to outreach and do evangelism. So, we have managed to do the training through video calls, phone calls, and social media where possible. We have been regularly updating many encouraging and motivating scriptures in different social media and phone messages for their spiritual growth.
We have also organized group messages and video calls to provide public awareness regarding precautions to follow against the coronavirus. We are grateful to our Lord for keeping everyone safe. Kindly, keep on praying for protection because if anyone in the Himalayas is infected then, due to the absence of transportation, hospitals, and any essential medical treatments the consequences can be the worst. We also, just completed ten days of fasting and prayer to get rid of the coronavirus.
During our ten days of fasting and prayer, we prayed for the pandemic situation, the improvement in the health condition of those affected persons living inside the quarantine, wisdom, and knowledge to the doctors, medical officers, scientists to discover the antidote and overall for the betterment of the environment and every economical, social, interpersonal and any highly affected areas caused by the coronavirus.
We are also very pleased to have started our Radio Ministry. Our vision of the radio ministry is to reach so many villages of believers, non-believers, and any radio listeners. We are spreading the Gospel with powerful teachings in the Himalayas every Wednesday at 7:15 PM on Good News FM 105.1 Mhz. We are receiving many positive responses and appreciation from listeners. We thank and praise our Lord for fulfilling our vision.
Due to lack of paper and surgical masks in west Nepal, our Sewing Training Centers have sown and distributed 1,000 cloth masks to the local villagers for free. Also, in the Tibet border, our native field leaders distributed soaps and masks to over 300 villagers. The gratitude of all the villagers and the humanitarian social work has highlighted the love of Jesus. We are simply sowing the Gospel in the local people’s heart. They have noticed the love of sons and daughters of Jesus. It was even said, “We always thought Christians discriminate between believers and non-believers. Thank you so much for having mercy upon non-believers like us. We would love to visit your churches and hear the Gospels sometimes.” We spread the love of Christ through action. What a tremendous presence of God through such a pandemic situation.
The mandatory lockdown has its adverse effects upon our field missionaries who come from destitute, illiterate, and impoverished family backgrounds having daily wages as the only way for their family survival. Due to a lack of money, they are unable to stock up necessary groceries and goods for their families. The situation is worse among children and women. The lack of adequate food and proper medical essentials is causing bad circumstances.
Blog, It Is Happening
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