Unto Us A Child Is Born

Unto Us A Child Is Born
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Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; …..

At this time of the year when most of the world celebrates the birth of Jesus, we are reminded of how much He has done for us throughout this year. We in RHMI celebrate with a thankful heart for His many blessings.

One such blessing came in the form of a miracle in mid-November. High up in a remote village in the Himalayas an expectant mother went into labor. As the hours dragged on it became very apparent that something was drastically wrong. The mother-to-be was getting weaker and weaker.

Even though it was very expensive, the pastor of the local church arranged for a helicopter flight to a Kathmandu hospital. But that was delayed because the helicopter was on another emergency run. So, by the time the mother arrived at the hospital a very long time had passed.

The doctors got right to work and did everything they knew how to deliver the baby. But it had been born feet first and the head had become stuck in the birth canal. By the time they were able to extract it, the baby had suffocated. The doctors put the baby on a ventilator, but it would no breathe. It was a lifeless little body, no pulse, no heartbeat.

The doctor wanted to take the baby’s body away, but the couple wouldn’t let him. He told the husband to comfort his wife because the baby was dead. For 22 minutes the baby lay there, lifeless.

The pastor of the remote village and the husband called the director of RHMI for prayer. He was in another village and could not get to the hospital, but he started praying for the grieving couple. As he prayed, he felt lead to pray for the baby. He prayed, “I command life to enter that little baby, in the name of Jesus. I rebuke the spirit of death over that child! This baby will live in Jesus’ name. As he prayed that prayer, the baby started crying! The doctors were amazed! How could this be? Dead babies so not come back to life!

Their prayer, in faith, believing it would be answered, was based on Romans 4:17:

Romans 4:17 ….. — God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did;

The director and the pastor called that thing that did not exist (the baby’s life) as though it did exist, and it was so. They called it into existence with the name of Jesus:

John 14:13-14 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

Today that beautiful baby boy is back in his village with his parents and mother and baby are doing fine! The believers in that village have a new reason to rejoice during this time of the year!

Friend, if you are without hope and do not know what to do, remember this Christmas story and call on the name of Jesus! He loves you! He is a God of personal relationships and He wants one with you right now. Just call on Him. His Word says to ask Him and He will do it! Believe His Word and live!

Blog, It Is Happening

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