Set Free Forever

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In West Nepal, many new believers have started coming to one of our churches there. They are coming to know Jesus and are being baptized. Signs and wonders are manifesting. Sick people are being healed. Many are being set free from the bondages of their traditions and rituals.

This is one of the most vulnerable places in West Nepal that is regularly affected by floods. Most of the people from this place are poor, uneducated, and often discriminated against. The land is affected by famine and shortages of foods. However, amid such a tragic reality, people are giving their lives to Jesus. According to their testimonies, they have been given new life, new hope, and new a future through Jesus Christ. They are learning to be confident about their faith and stand firm in Jesus’ love and compassion.

Every day new believers are coming to accept Jesus, and many are ready for water baptism.

Please remember this place and God’s people in your prayers.

Thank you.

Blog, It Is Happening, Mission Trip, Outreach

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