Second Life in Jesus

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Pastor P who had a stroke due to high blood pressure and a hemorrhage a few months ago is healed and enjoying his second life. He conveys his heartfelt regards and appreciation for all prayers and sacrificial supporters of RHMI.

Despite many medical complications, today he has won over his sickness.

However, half of his body is still paralyzed, and he struggles in getting up and doing normal activities.

It is a glory to God that, to every relative near or far who comes to visit him, He always shares his testimony and encourages them to accept Jesus. Despite before, walking miles to share the Gospel, he has turned his house into a Gospel sharing center. Many lives continue to be affected by his heart-touching testimony. Many accepted Jesus instantly and committed to remain in His faith forever.

The most surprising thing is that he was a pastor of a local church having 70-75 believers, but today after witnessing his testimony and sharing Jesus, the new believers in that place have exceeded more than 300. Hallelujah!

God is on the move amid lockdown!

He was excited and worried at the same time. He immediately called us and asked when we were visiting him to look after the flocks and advise him in taking care of them. He also requested us that the old church building is insufficient to hold such a huge number of believers so, the place needs a new church building. Kindly pray for this blissful reason.

Due to the pandemic lockdown and many consequences, people have become hungrier and thirstier to find eternal love, hope, and life in Jesus. We praise God for using Pastor P to manifest His greatness in such an impossible time.

However, regarding his physical and medical condition, he needs to visit the hospital for his regular medical checkup and therapies that adds more expenses to his previous dues at the Hospital. He still requires $1300 to clear his dues.

Kindly remember him in your regular devotion as he is one of our most active native missionaries in the Himalayas ministering among hundreds of believers.

We are also thankful towards our mission field coordinator Pastor A. for his perseverance, and regular follow-up of most of the mission field leaders and believers.

Thank you!

Blog, It Is Happening, Outreach

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