The harsh life in the Himalayas is beyond imagination. For ages, the Himalayan regions are badly affected by many demonic spirits and the devil’s clutches. The many mountains named after earthly gods can be one of its reasons. The lack of developmental infrastructures is a physical necessity that can be, but the spiritual attacks, persecutions, and rampage are destructible.
Pastor B comes from a steadfast Hindu background who struggled years with spiritual attacks on his family. For four generations, his forefathers were struggling with a curse of Epilepsy. Every elder son from his forefather’s generation was struggling with the disorder. They underwent many shamanism treatments and lost wealth, lands, and livestock in it. But they couldn’t receive salvation.
Pastor B was the fourth generation of his tribe facing the same issues. He had nothing to offer since he was out of everything. Later, he met our mission field leaders who were evangelizing and sharing the Gospel in his village.
As Pastor B heard that salvation is possible in Jesus, without any further dilemma he immediately called our mission field leaders in his home and requested them to share more about Jesus and pray for him.
After continuous follow up in his house, sharing the Gospels and more from the Bible, Pastor B started getting healed and he started going to church regularly.
He was touched by two different scriptures that talk about generational curses in Exodus 34:7 and salvation in Jesus Christ in 1 John 5:12.
Today, the generational curses have gotten completely removed from his generation because his whole family members have accepted Jesus and they are one of the most loyal believers of our RHMI family. After years of devotion and perseverance in the church, he has become the pastor of his church, leading hundreds of believers as being part of our RHMI family.
Pastor B is also an influential leader who has informed many believers about generational curses, its consequences, and solutions. He is a down to earth man, very humble, and loyal. He has served God in his most hard times, having nothing to eat and feed his children, but traveled miles to preach and share the Gospel. He says, “no turning back because I’ve decided to follow Jesus and I don’t want the repetition of generational curses to follow my generation.”
Dear partners, because of your generosities, our beloved field leaders like Pastor B have served Jesus through many ministerial services, regardless of any difficulties, time, and weather, without any anxieties and fears.
Still, kindly remember him in your prayers.
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