Impacting Lives

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I believe that men find reasons to live the way they do. The people of the Himalayas have been my passion, what has influenced me, and my reason for ministering to God in all the circumstances of my life. And I feel humbled that RHMI is filled with wonderful men and women of God – in fact, my true companions.

Every single time as I praise the hardship of our incredible native missionaries of the Himalayas, I come to remember Matthew 5:10 that states, ‘Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’

They are the real blessed people crying out the greatest and powerful name above all other names and seeking the joy of the kingdom of Heaven.

These people are the reason for my motivation. Dear partners, I appreciate your love and affection towards my people and caring about them. Thank you very much for your generosity and understanding of their grief.

I speak Proverbs 11:25 over you and your kindness. May the following report bring to you joy and delight in knowing the outcome of your faithful investment.

Sometime later, RHMI was able to establish a new sewing center in her place, it brought Kumari and the other women in similar situations to tears. Kumari said, “Pastor Haron, it is a direct call from my Jesus. He has bestowed His love over my situation and has not forsaken me just as He has promised in the Bible. As I care for my 3 children, He has cared for me. I don’t know how I will be able to repay you for the help you have provided me, pastor. How great those hearts are who helped us with these wonderful gifts. May God bless them. Now, I can be self-sufficient and provide for my children. My bad days have gone. Thank you, pastor.”

RHMI believes that this ministry which is impacting a huge community with a very small effort of kindness shouldn’t be stopped or paused. So many hopeless and anxious sisters in the Himalayas have found hope, peace, and salvation through our sewing ministry.

Thank you for your partnership.

Blog, It Is Happening, Mission Trip, Outreach

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