Native Missionaries are the true apostles in the present generation imitating Christ; winning and equipping souls for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Pastor Bijay, senior mission field leader of Sikkim, North-East India, is one of our apostles who frequently travels to many unreached remote places of the high Himalayas with his dedicated team regardless of any obstacles or hindrances. He is fully dedicated to the Gospel, influencing others in remote villages and in his community toward the Gospel and impacting lives in a great way for Jesus Christ.
Traveling and hiking for long hours carrying big loads of essential travel equipment and study materials for remote village believers is challenging. But these soldiers of God have the anointing of powerful healing prayer, influential preaching capability, and authoritative leadership and training skills. They incorporate the film ministry which has always impacted many hearts and souls and fulfilled the mission as a regular part of their ministry outreach.
Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. 1 Timothy 5:17
You too, can imitate Jesus Christ and win thousands of Souls to Christ by sponsoring a Native Missionary today.
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