It is always a joy to see people getting saved and being baptized. God rejoices when His people come to Him like a prodigal son. No matter what, He always loves us so much, so we are taking the same love to the unloved people of the remote Himalayas. Altogether, 56 people were baptized who came from strong Hindu and Buddhist family backgrounds. Some pictures are yet to be received from the remote mission field.
Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it”. With the Lord’s help and your partnership with this ministry, our pastors and people continue to reach out to the lost. We’re growing and growing! God uses our simple brothers and sisters who have no Christian background, no qualification until now, to win souls and plant new churches in the uttermost parts of the unreached areas of our region.
Everywhere we go we preach a simple message of God’s love and His Grace, yet, people are turning to the Lord. This is the power of your prayers!
Just recently I got news from a leader from the mission field one of our brothers who got baptized was badly beaten by the local Hindu religious groups. Not only that, one lady was not allowed to do her final exam in her school because the school principal knew about her conversion to Christianity.
Will you please pray for these brothers and sisters and the intense persecution they are facing now? Your prayers do make a difference.
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