One of our native missionaries, Ps. S from the remote Bankariya tribe has a tragic story. Ps. S says, “Pastor, I remember that day when I was in a very stressful situation of my life. As a man, especially as a responsible Dad of a house, it is always challenging for us to handle multiple situations. Responsibility binds us everywhere. I was at the funeral of one of our believers in the remotest village of our locality. I had reached there, traveling early in the morning. I was sharing words of condolence and consolation with the bereaved family, talking through the Bible. Then, I received news that my mother had passed away at home and had asked for me in her last breath. It was such tragic news for me that I now needed consolation words.
That was a very tough moment for me. The Words of God coming out of my mouth were not only for everyone there but for myself as well. So, I had to keep myself together and be brave in that situation. So, I began praying deep inside.
Unfortunately, it would take me an entire day to travel home. Although I reached home late and saw my mother’s body, I wished I could hear her voice for the last time. I wished she could have seen me for the last time. I wished I had a motorcycle to come home early that day.”
Dear partners, the turmoil and harrowing situation our native missionaries go through is beyond explanation. But, as Jesus said to follow Him, leaving everything behind, our brothers have sacrificed many things and responsibilities to multiply God’s kingdom and outreach to the most unreached places of the Himalayas.
Family is a gift from God; it is our duty to preserve and cherish it. Your generosity in helping them with a motorcycle is the most compelling concern you have bestowed in their lives. With this support, they can multiply God’s work and fulfil their responsibilities and duties simultaneously. May God bless you from His mighty abundance.
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