Nothing is as essential as good health. As a thirsty person understands the importance of water, a sick patient knows the importance of timely treatment. Due to untimely treatment, many lives are lost in the remotest Himalayas. The inaccessible villages do not have proper health facilities. Ambulances are beyond options, and robust porters are hard to find. However, one easy and quick solution to help overcome these problems can be ‘Stretchers.’
Stretchers can be handy, carried by four persons, laid down anywhere, and people can switch out carrying the injured when they tire. It can be helpful in the remotest areas with the unavailability of transportation.
Ps. U says, “Pastor, if we only had had this stretcher last month, we might have saved 56 years old Sanumaya. She fell from the tree while cutting leaves. Unfortunately, the tree was on a steep edge, and she fell nearly 30 feet down. She could have been killed instantly, but she was breathing. The watchers called us, and we ran to her and tried to bring her to a hospital in a basket. But, she was unconscious and we struggled to lift her so that there would be no more physical complications. Finally, we managed to carry her in a basket. But we lost her on the way. It was so sad to see her children crying uncontrollably. We felt so helpless.
The stretcher can be a minor asset in today’s time, but it carries a significant value in the underdeveloped villages of the Himalayas. Stretchers are a good standby asset to help in emergencies. I am thankful that God has prompted great men of God to have their concern over such an essential need of our village. May God bless them in a multiplying manner.”
Dear partners, the struggle of daily life in villages is still intolerable. They are beyond one’s imagination. Thank you for your love and generosity through these stretchers. They are small yet impactful support for my people. Thank you very much for your partnership.
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