Electronic Scriptures through the air waves

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RHMI provides missionaries, evangelists pastors and house church leaders with mini radio speakers that have over 200 Bible lessons as well as the messages from our regular weekly radio broadcast called ‘The Blessed Life’. These lessons and messages have become like nectar to the most underprivileged and destitute of the Himalayas that keeps them motivated and full of the fire of the Holy Spirit.

During the current lockdowns, the radio ministry is having a greater impact. The lessons and messages recorded in the mini radio speakers have become a best friend to our missionaries and evangelists. They carry it wherever they go, sharing the Gospel and preaching from it. Many have been led to Christ through these lessons.

One example is Kumar C. Kumar is 34 years old and was very frustrated due to the unbalanced series of pandemic lockdown. He is a laborer and dependent on daily wages. Due to the current pandemic situation, he was unable to feed and care for his children properly. Having much anxiety and full of questions, Kumar was listening to a message from the Blessed Life in the mini radio speaker one evening. The message totally changed his faith in Jesus Christ. The topic was ‘God will never forget His covenant part 1’. The episode filled him with new energy and trust in such a way that he continued the series. He called all his children and wife together and asked everyone to kneel to give thanks to Jesus, for He will not forget His covenants.

Two days later, his landlord came to him, and provided him with some food relief. This just amazed Kumar. He declared “God is alive and He never forgets His promises to His children.”

To continue His great miracles, impacting people and renewing minds, RHMI has recently distributed 20 more radio speakers to the native missionaries in the Himalayas.

Your partnership is making a huge difference in the kingdom of Heaven.

Blog, It Is Happening, Mission Trip, Outreach

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