Digging the humility

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West Nepal has a lot to share this month. What a prolific grace of God we have over west Nepal that offers the most fertile soil, agricultural benefits, and diversified population. People here are sweet and welcoming. However, the lack of life-changing gospels has concealed them from eternal happiness and spiritual joy. We are thankful to the Lord for assigning us to minister to His people over an extended period.

Nevertheless, despite the blessings over the nature of this land, it lacks many developmental infrastructure and facilities. Due to the long distance, many villagers living in remote areas struggle in their daily lives related to water facilities, such as fetching drinking water, washing dishes, clothes, and bathing. It sounds strange and surprising that such a problem still exists today. But it is impossible to ignore the truth.

Nonetheless, I thank our gracious father in Heaven, who provided us to be a mediator to understand their struggle and share His unconditional love. As a result of our efforts this month, we installed a well that became a source of help for many villagers and alleviated their daily struggles.


How great the Love of God is. Many non-believers were thrilled and surprised to find out that there was always someone looking for them, concerned about them, and caring for them. As a result, many of them expressed interest in visiting the church and hearing the Gospel.

Thank you, partners, for loving my people and sharing your generosities. I am thankful from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you.


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