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Thank You Partners
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Thank You Partners

Blog, It Is Happening

Reach Himalaya Ministries International
We are always grateful to all our RHMI partners for your continuous help and faithful partnership. Thank you very much for standing with us for years and serving the Lord together.

What a wonderful opportunity we have with these newsletters to express our gratefulness to God for all He has done through you in the mission field. His work is of transforming lives and impacting people of the remotest Himalayas.
Our hearts are full as we think of Christ manifesting Himself in the hearts and lives of hundreds of beautiful people in the high Himalayas through RHMI. Those are real lives experiencing real change, even total transformation! Without your generosity, our mission would remain incomplete.
Your open heart and hands of prayer and support has caused us to shout

We remain motivated in all His provision, plans, protection, and guidance because your partnership and prayers are so encouraging to our family here at RHMI.
We want to show our gratefulness for you through this inspiring weekly report.
Many thanks and blessings to you as you celebrate God’s goodness with your friends and family.

Jesus On The Mountain
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Jesus On The Mountain

Blog, It Is Happening

Luke 6:12
In those days, Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and He spent the night in prayer to God.
Mountains were a significant part of the life of Jesus here on earth.

The Bible records that mountains are places of prayers, healings, and revelations.
Our beloved believers from the remote villages in the Himalayas who are firmly grounded in the Bible travel door to door for Gospel outreach, healing prayers, and follow-ups. They continually conduct mountain prayer meetings, house fellowships, prayer and fasting, training, and combined youth fellowships in different mountains.
They hold many training classes and fellowships on such mountains which are named after the earthly gods and goddesses. They trust God through prayers that can release the captives and bondages that have imprisoned the Himalayans for ages. Hiking to such places is not as easy as it may sound. Regardless of weather or time, our active believers travel miles up and down through steep mountains and pray over the villages that can be visible from the top of mountains.

Please consider being by their side and support them as they pray for you and us every day and night. Thank you for making a huge difference.

Jesus Sanctified Her
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Jesus Sanctified Her

Blog, It Is Happening

Reach Himalaya Ministries International
We are always grateful to all our RHMI partners for your continuous help and faithful partnership. Thank you very much for standing with us for years and serving the Lord together.

What a wonderful opportunity we have with these newsletters to express our gratefulness to God for all He has done through you in the mission field. His work is of transforming lives and impacting people of the remotest Himalayas.
Our hearts are full as we think of Christ manifesting Himself in the hearts and lives of hundreds of beautiful people in the high Himalayas through RHMI. Those are real lives experiencing real change, even total transformation! Without your generosity, our mission would remain incomplete.
Your open heart and hands of prayer and support has caused us to shout

We remain motivated in all His provision, plans, protection, and guidance because your partnership and prayers are so encouraging to our family here at RHMI.

We want to show our gratefulness for you through this inspiring weekly report.
Many thanks and blessings to you as you celebrate God’s goodness with your friends and family.
Proverbs 31:30- “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
Jesus was brought into the world by a strong woman and even at the beginning of humanity, God put a woman on earth to accompany man.

Likewise, in the Himalayas when men of God are in the mission field facing the unknown, women working at home are praying for safety and success of their husband’s mission trip. Women are dedicated prayer partners.
Despite poverty, insufficiency, illiteracy and lack of many life necessities, our beloved sisters in the Himalayas have always remained a source of blessings to family and church ministry. Their faithfulness and determination of serving the Lord sets examples for generations to come.

They meet in regular women’s fellowships strengthening their walk with Christ and encouraging each other with in-depth Biblical and practical teachings. Many times, they organize mountain prayer meetings and take part in church activities faithfully. For days they participate in prayer and fasting, prayer chains, and all-night prayer sessions praying for the wellness of churches, sick believers, missionaries, national and international issues, and different family issues which have resulted in powerful outcomes.

Dearest partners, your gracious support changes lives. The sewing programs, especially, have added hope and self-confidence within our native women and brought means of self-sufficiency.
Thank you for being there!

United We Stand, Divided We Fall
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United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Blog, It Is Happening

Senior Pastor P. from West Nepal is passionate about evangelizing his native people and saving them in Christ. He is one of the humblest leaders RHMI has. His humbleness and sincerity sets a great example for the 13 mission field leaders ministering under him. He frequently gives in-depth Bible and Leadership training to the believers from his local church and its 7 branch churches.

He and his believers make a circle and pray for the wellness of entire mission field leaders, ongoing missions, believers, churches, and the current national and international issues regularly.

It is clear how passionate he is in serving the mighty Lord and bringing many souls to Christ. Regardless of any terrible situation, rains, storms, bad weather, and physical hindrances, he travels miles on his old bicycle to accomplish his God-given responsibilities faithfully.

To look after such a huge flock caring, pastoring, comforting, and feeding them timely, Pastor P needs a motorbike to replace his old bicycle. This asset can be helpful to build the ministry more quickly saving him travel time to do ministry in many places.

Consider extending your generous hands for such a hard-working and humble man of God. One motorbike cost is around $3,000 which can be the best investment to raise the magnitude of God’s kingdom in an immeasurable extent.

Superheroes Of Th e Himalayas
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Superheroes Of Th e Himalayas

Blog, It Is Happening

Reach Himalaya Ministries Int’l is grateful for all our partners. We are blessed to have partners praying and praising the Lord. It is a joy to share with you, our gracious friends, some daily life experiences of RHMI’s mission field leaders and believers in Nepal. This is one way you may witness God’s work happening all over the Himalayas.

Your prayers and generosity are always a great encouragement to believers and all our mission field teams. You are providing hope to our teams and beloved believers in the remote villages. Stretching and spreading even a small physical portion of your generosity to as many RHMI evangelists as possible in the remote mission field is a tangible gift of blessing to them in their need. As they travel to difficult places for evangelism, they do so full of faith in God for provision, protection, anointing and souls. God is good!

We continue to praise God, preach the Gospel and remain encouraged. By prayer and in faith we expect to increase His Kingdom and rejoice in opportunities to be His instruments to share His message. It is our privilege to be a part of His ministry and be a partner with you in sharing the Word of the Lord and His love.

Here are some marvelous testimonies of the work that took place recently in the mission field. We give praise and honor to our wonderful Lord. Because of your help and support many people in the remote villages receive life necessities and are encouraged. They are blessed and as their spirits are lifted many easily share the love of Jesus.

We are grateful to our Lord who has blessed us with such a hardworking and motivating couple from the border.
Our dearest Pastor K and his wife from the border serve the Lord regardless of time or weather while carrying their small child of only 1-year and trekking a long distance on foot.

They regularly travel through many rough and desolate places for hours and hours toward their destination along the way searching for lost souls and hungry hearts to tell them about Jesus Christ.
They walked three long days crossing big mountains and steep hills to have fellowship among many believers so hungry and thirsty for the Word of God. They stayed there for a week ministering among many non-believers, too. They taught about our living God and bringing them out of pits of false religions, traditional mindsets, and darkness.

Services were held in an open area in tents. Unpredictable weather brought rainstorms one day and another day the scorching blinding sunlight. The weather extremes did not prohibit the ministering of God’s Word. (Your partnership in prayer for a huge concrete church building in this area is greatly appreciated.)

Working underground, Pastor K and his wife are devoted shepherds of God who have dedicated their lives to spreading the Gospel. Through their faithfulness, many distant isolated villages with overwhelming problems were placed in God’s hands and became villages set to lead to many remote villages in the Himalayas that have indefinable problems.

This would have been impossible without your sacrificial support and prayers. Thank you Partners for always being there.

The Name Above All Other Names
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“The Name Above All Other Names”

Blog, It Is Happening

How appalling it is when a small girl of only 8 years is possessed by seven demonic spirits for 3 long years and has been living a life of dismay and distress. Illiteracy and orthodoxy can be the excuses to blame, but the complete unawareness of the powerful name above all other names is the major point to be noted.

She was taken to many chief Shamans and witchdoctors and many shamanisms were carried out for many years. Nevertheless, nothing resulted in positive signs other than the loss of livestock and property. No wonder, shamanism is not a big surprise in such remote villages of the Himalayas where modern medical technologies are beyond anyone’s imagination.

As soon as she was prayed over by our RHMI mission field leaders, she was immediately released by the exasperating demonic spirits.

This miracle turned out to be one of the most influential and powerful testimonies over that place that led many lives to Christ following her whole family members and a few other shamans, as well.
Hallelujah! All praises to the Lord!

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Blog, It Is Happening

August 5
Hallelujah! Greater things are happening all over the Himalayas.
Reach Himalaya Ministries Int’l has a greater appreciation for our prayer warriors and generous partners than words can express. Partners, through you… your prayers… your giving, people find hope! At times, our teams and other believers must be careful where they go to share the Gospel. Not only may they be beaten and robbed, but they also face severe weather and dangerous terrain. God’s hand is upon them and the Holy Spirit guides them to open hearts to share about Jesus and the love of a living God.

Your support supplies life necessities and encouragement to starving people in remote villages. Your prayers change things and help us all when things look bleak and situations appear difficult. We continue to praise God, preach the Gospel, encourage individuals that are terribly discouraged and fearful, and show them God’s love. You are helping us to share the Gospel of God’s great love and this is happening all over the Himalayas amid natural disasters and the coronavirus. Prayer and thankful hearts for the love of Jesus changes things!
Films on the life of Jesus have proven to be one of the best ways to let people in the Himalayas know about the sacrificial love of God. Countless people have been touched by the love of Christ as a result of watching films about Jesus.

Villagers gather to see why a team of missionaries have come to visit them and what message they have brought. It’s not uncommon for tears to stream down some of their faces as they learn, some for the first time, the story of Jesus’ love and sacrifice through our Jesus film ministry. RHMI teams try to provide the movie in their own tribal languages for better understanding.

We wholeheartedly thank our gracious partners for supporting us with portable and durable projectors we use in our Jesus film ministry. These tools are always a great asset in gospel sharing and winning souls more effectively.
We also thank our dearest partners who supported us with motorbikes speeding up our travels through miles of difficult terrain and facing many dangerous troubles, specially amid bad weather. Today, due to having the motorbikes, the works under RHMI are being produced with great outcomes in a double scale.

Dear Partners, this would not have been successful without your generosities and prayers. Thank you very much for your sacrificial support.

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Blog, It Is Happening

They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the army of the LORD and for the nation of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword. 2 Samuel 1:12

Fasting coupled with prayer is powerful. Our beloved brothers and sisters from the rural Nepal-Tibet border traveled for 3 full days to reach this mountain top to fast and pray for 5 days for the welfare and safety of many nations and its people amid the pandemic crisis.
They had their tents, sleeping bags, and food for meals.

Such a dangerous corona-virus and shivering weather of the Himalayas couldn’t hinder the mighty act of God.
As Jesus prayed in Gethsemane, these faithful children of God know prayer can move mountains.
The courageous encouragement they possess is the inspirational result of your generous acts. Thank you, Partners, for being such an inspiring epitome.

Drinking From Well Of Life
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“Drinking From Well Of Life”

Blog, It Is Happening

Safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking, domestic use, food production, or recreational purposes. With improved water supply and sanitation and better management of water resources, Nepal can boost its economic growth and can contribute greatly to poverty reduction. Apart from these benefits, RHMI understands the lack and difficulties regarding water facilities in many rural parts of Nepal.
Today, due to generous supporters and partners like you, we have recently completed a water Well construction in front of a church in our mission field in west Nepal.

Today, many villagers come to the Well, read the scripture engraved in the marble, and visit the church; especially Saturday service, and thank God for gifting the village with such a convenient and crucial humanitarian support.
Thank you, partners, for your gracious support. You are the reason behind many ministerial efforts through RHMI.

Baptism - Inward Faith
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“Baptism: Inward Faith”

Blog, It Is Happening

“Baptism is an outward expression of inward faith.”
We thank our sovereign God and all our courageous mission field leaders like Pastor K, who performed water Baptism to four young men in such a freezing glacier spring of the remotest Himalaya during the ongoing pandemic lockdown.

Besides the physical ordinance of baptism and the laying on of hands, we pray for the healthy spiritual growth of these four youths amid many persecutions coming from Hindu and Buddhist local communities.

Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of our own soul. Thus, we pray, these young ones in Christ will surpass every battle of their lives and turn out to be victorious missionaries soon.
Our God is working and we are spreading the Gospel in the Himalayas!