A Journey To Meet The People Of The Hidden I Himalayas I Part 1

A Journey To Meet The People Of The Hidden I Himalayas I Part 1
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We have read it somewhere, “if you want to chase angels or flee demons, go to Mountains.”

What is it about mountains that summarizes our greatest adventures and triumph? Is it their unpredictable force and unmerciful weather? Their towering, magnificent height? Their challenging presence?

Well, we have always been fascinated about mountains: admiring their beauty from afar and from their summits, attempting to reach the top of even the tallest and most treacherous mountains to explore those hidden, yet not forgotten native people around the Himalayas.

We are fascinated with every challenge we face climbing them, their role in nature, and of course their symbol for life: our journey, struggles, and triumphs. #Must_Read Here we present you the #FIRST_PART of our travel to north-eastern Nepal in a search of our hidden people around the Himalayas. Walking through the woods, along the steep and tapering paths, falling from big heights due to the push of Mules’ loads while crossing over the narrowest paths, above 400c of that torrid hot weather, flowing of sweats around the forehead to the chin, ambiguous feelings of never visiting again and pain of those unpleasant wounds. What an indelible climb it was! Nonetheless, soon we forgot all those agony and turmoil as we were welcomed by those delightful people.

Our passion to conquer the Himalayas was turning worthful finally. We didn’t find any words to explain their passion for praising the Lord despite their anguish and suffering. They brought all their oppressions and worries to the seminar to set their captivities free. And they made it. Surely, they were less in number but big with their angel hearts. A mountain is always a mountain for anyone unless one dares to climb it to explore its awesomeness hiding within its summits. We believe we should never measure the height of a mountain until we have reached the top. Then we will see how low it was. Mountains are not just a place where we satisfy our passions, they are the church where we meet our father, the Lord, and dine with him.

Blog, It Is Happening, Mission Trip

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