A Brave Man Doesn’t Feel Pain?

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There is a well-known saying in the eastern culture for men- Brave man doesn’t feel pain. However, the statement is contrary – either the man must at least be brave, or the one who feels pain is a coward. In addition, men are supposed to refrain from resting. They are never to express their emotions. A man must suffer every agony and carry the responsibility until he dies.

But men do cry. Men do feel pain. There is nothing such as brave or coward regarding men’s capability or potential. The truth is that men do not express their discomfort by nature. By the law of the Old Testament, a man must eat bread by the sweat of his brow. However, he needs rest, a comfort zone, and a place where he can place all his pain and experiences, build confidence, talk about new ideas, make friends, come close to God, discuss plans, revive spiritual energy, and live freely.

It has been possible at the Men’s Summit – a men’s conference highlighted to dig out the characteristics of husband, son, brother, father, businessman, or leader. Men’s Summit helps exchange each other’s personal, family, and spiritual sufferings and difficulties.

Dear partners, It is a delightful honor to inform you that we have conducted the Summit in two of our mission fields in the furthest east. The Summit succeeded with powerful teachings, bible readings, worship, ice-breaking games, testimony sharing, feedback collection, a delicious feast, and photo sessions.


Ps. R said, “We have a lot of fellowships for sisters. Various churches and events hold monthly and annual women’s conferences. But men’s conferences are infrequent. It is my first ever experience being a part of a conference with only brothers. I am delighted to be open and relaxed and share my problems with someone who can think, analyze, and investigate how I feel. We, brothers, can feel each other, think the same way, and explore solutions by putting our feet in each other’s shoes. The men’s Summit is an inspiring movement that can make buoyant all brothers in their personal and spiritual life. I am delighted to be a part of it, Pastor.”

Dear partners, we have made it once again. Thank you for your continued prayers and well wishes. Your continued generosity and commitment have resulted in our missionary brothers’ outstanding leadership and spirits’ upliftment. May God keep blessing you more and more.

Blog, It Is Happening, Mission Trip, Outreach

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